Pride Guide 2001



Trans Pride gives support, examines gender issues

by Susie Davis

Akron-Like our parent organization, the Akron Pride Center, Trans Pride is now into its third year of regular monthly meetings. We meet monthly on the third Friday at 7 pm at the Akron Pride Center and on the fourth Friday at 7 pm at the Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center.

Trans Pride started out as a support group for transsexuals. We quickly learned that there was a far greater gender issue and interest than just trannies. From our early meetings on we have been dedicated to building gender understanding for the total LGBT community.

sexual activity, and more. Our meetings involve outside authorities as well as moderated open discussions, but always a Q&A involving all.

Trans Pride meetings are always open for all; if you have a gender interest you are welcome. By meeting at the two LGBT com-

munity centers we are able to freely open our doors while maintaining a safe space for all to meet. Your outward gender expressions are not of concern to us; you do not have to dress as a cross dresser or a tranny to join us. You

TransPride can be a man, a woman, a mus-

We realized that gender issues are just as challenging to gays, lesbians and bisexuals as they are for transgender persons. Our meetings have reflected that greater diversity, as have those attending them.

Our meetings always involve a moderated program delving into gender related issues with subjects ranging from ambiguous gender identities to the effects of gender roles on

tache in a dress-just be yourself.

Do come and join us for a great potluck (entree furnished) followed by some challenging discussions. Come for gender understanding and respect.

The Akron Pride Center is located at 71 North Adams Street, Akron, Ohio, 330253-2220

For further information e-mail, or phone Susie Davis at 330253-2220 Akron or 216-651-5428 Cleveland.

Activists, author slated for national BWMT convention

New Orleans-From July 14-21, the National Association of Black and White Men Together will hold its 21st annual convention in historic New Orleans, Louisiana. Uniting under the theme "2001: A Race Odyssey," the convention promises to deliver the year's preeminent forum on race in the LGBT community.

Headlining the program are two internationally-recognized black gay activists: Julius Powell, who has pioneered efforts to repeal anti-gay laws in Jamaica, and Vernal Scott, the

"This year's NABWMT convention program is tightly woven around the issue of race, and in particular, what race means to gay men," said Hawkins. "In all, we will be offering 15 workshops and other gatherings, all of which will bring the issue of race front and center in a meaningful way. If ever there


United Kingdom's most visible black gay HIV and AIDS activist. Also scheduled to appear is the double Lammy-nominated writer Randy Boyd, author of Uprising and Bridge Across the Ocean. Boyd has been hailed and criticized for his ground-breaking novels depicting interracial gay love.

Paul Hawkins, a Pittsburgh-based activist known for his anti-racism workshops at prominent LGBT conferences, is serving as this year's NABWMT convention program organizer.

will be a national convention in which gay men can enter into a constructive, soulful dialogue about the meaning of race in our lives, this convention is the one."

The National Association of Black and White Men Together, the country's oldest interracial gay men's organization, has been in existence since 1980. Currently the organization has more than 20 local chapters coast to coast, and membership that extends internationally. For more information about the organization and its upcoming annual convention, visit the organization's web site at

The NABWMT can also be contacted at 800-624-2968 (NA4-BWMT), or via email





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PLAGAL bridges gay and pro-life communities

by Cecilia Brown

Cleveland-The Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians was founded in 1990 by Tom Sena in Washington D.C. There are over 900 members and friends of PLAGAL nationwide with active chapters in California, Washington D.C., Boston, New York City and Cleveland.

The Cleveland chapter has participated in various pro-life events including the March for Life in Washington D.C., the Memorial for Life in Cleveland, Life Chain, clothing and diaper drives for Birthright, and have hosted a baby shower for a women in need.


PLAGAL brings the pro-life message to the gay community while building bridges with those in the pro-life community.

PLAGAL can be reached by calling 440-


PLAGAL members at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Within the LGBT community we have participated in Pride, the Millenium March on Washington, AIDS Memorial Quilt and prayer vigils.

734-8178 or at our website, http://

Cecilia Brown is a member of PLAGAL Cleveland.

Hardly. We have the largest selection of Gay/Lesbian books in town all at 10% discount, the biggest variety of 2-night video rentals, a 10% discount on leather goods everyday, and a 10% savings to women every Wednesday. Don't forget the 150 magazine titles, and all of the Pride goods.

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